John Kenneth Kline
483 Little Lake Drive, Ste. 200Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103
John K. Kline (P53969 – Michigan Law license number)
I focus on helping clients present the best organized and most persuasive case to the Judge. In my 23 years of practice, I have often heard Judges say how frustrated they are with cases that turn into "he said" / "she said" arguments where the "truth" in not readily apparent. My goal is to quickly get to the “heart of the case” by uncovering as much evidence as possible, organizing that evidence, and honing it down to make a complete and credible presentation for the Judge so the correct result becomes abundantly clear. My entire staff at Kline Legal Group knows that the "details matter" and being the best prepared attorney & client often wins the case.
The family law cases that I take to court frequently involve strong emotional content on both sides. I am sensitive to the stress that my clients are under and use my best efforts to calmly confront the issues so that my client's stressors are quickly and efficiently diminished. I strongly believe that alternative dispute resolutions like mediation and collaborative law are great tools and often help to settle cases; however, I also strongly believe there are some individuals that are incapable of being reasonable and are only interested in bullying people so they get "their way." These types of "bully situations" require an attorney that is ready, willing, and experienced in taking the case to trial. Opposing attorneys and Judges know that I have a wealth of trial experience and that I present a well-organized and powerful case at the trial court level and in the appellate courts. Oftentimes, my base of trial experience, appellate experience, and reputation is a great tool for bringing about quick and positive resolutions without having to actually go to trial.
I have strong relationships with a diverse group of experts who I rely upon as expert witnesses and consultants for mediation and trial purposes. I have a group of accountants that I utilize for business valuations and wage calculations. I also have several private investigators, vocational rehab experts, and investigators that I have used successfully at trial. I am married to a University of Michigan trained physician and often consult her on child health and education issues as well as rehabilitation & treatment options.
Additionally, I have successfully appealed several cases to the Michigan Court of Appeals and Michigan Supreme Court. I took a business valuation / spousal support case (regarding the “double-dip” issue for business owners) to the Court of Appeals and the Court deemed the issues presented as adding important legal findings to Michigan case-law so it became a published opinion (only a select few appellate case are published). See Loutts v. Loutts, 298 Mich App 21, 2012.
I graduated from Wayne State University Law School and went to Kalamazoo College for my undergraduate degree. After law school, I have taken a 48 hour class for becoming a certified mediator and have participated in mediations and arbitrations throughout Michigan. I have also earned the Institute of Continuing Legal Education's Family Law Certificate. Additionally, I have been admitted in all State of Michigan Courts, U.S. Federal District and 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. I also have experience in legal research and writing for a legal brief submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court. In 2009 and 2014, I was voted by other Michigan lawyers as a Michigan "Super Lawyer."
I currently serve in the following community volunteer roles: Trustee and Secretary for the Ann Arbor First United Methodist Church, President and Board Member for the Kenyan Urithi Educational Fund, and President of an Ann Arbor Home Owner’s Association.